Not copying files when download complete -

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Running on Windows 10
OS: Windows 10 Pro
Debug logs:

Description of issue:

Sorry for all the details trying to show what I’ve read as possible solutions on the thread to self solve as well as some steps I took that got me where I’m at.

Since moving my TV shows from a dedicated hard drive inside the computer to a NAS, Sonarr will download the file to correct download folder, but will not move the TV series into the correct TV / Season folder. See below for what I’ve done so far to try and correct the issue and make sure I’m setup. But prior to the change sonarr would download all TV shows to a G:\TV Shows\Downloads folder and upon completion to a hardlink to G:\TV Shows"Show Name"“Season folder”. Again files are being downloaded to the G:\TV Shows\Downloads but not moved. I’m just trying to get Sonarr to move the files now. Would like hard links because I still need to have utorrent seeding.

Looking at the log files and using other threads I’ve found I think I’ve narrowed down the issue to “Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr”.

Here’s what I’ve done so far to try and correct the issue:

I recently updated my storage system from internal on the computer to a mycloud PR4100 NAS. I use the NAS to store data that I’m using for PLEX. To keep all my history, played status etc I did the following when updating to the new hard drives:

  1. Stopped PLEX Server, Stopped Utorrent, Stopped Sonarr Services

  2. using windows I changed the letter drives of the old TV hard drive (formally G:\ to now A:)

  3. mapped the new NAS to windows \Nelsons-NAS\Tv Shows\ (with the same letter G:)

  4. Updated Sonarr to (I know this didn’t cause my issue because the issue was existing prior to the upgrade, I just updated to try and see if that resolved my issue

  5. Updated my series folders to be tied to NAS Directory "\Nelsons-NAS\TV Shows\Show name

  6. With the update I changed my service from local system to the account I’ve used to map my NAS network drive to


It’s 2022 utorrent is a piece of shit that’s adware/spyware and a former crypto miner. Switch to Qbit if you like the UI.

A screenshot of info logs is near useless. What was unclear about the forum template saying to provide and share debug logs and linking to the wiki that says how to share them?

Is G:\ a network drive?

Did you review the download troubleshooting article, it seems not - given this would be an explicit common problem…you may just need a remote path map and be done

Since you were so pleasant in responding I’ll offer you the same candidness. I’m very impressed that you were able to comprehend at least the title of the posting but not able to read well enough to see what I have already done. Or maybe you could read but your mind wasn’t able to comprehend everything?

  1. the g:\ isn’t relevant because that was the former mapping I had PRIOR to mapping the shared folder by UNC … I read that and have already made that change.

  2. I’ve read the troubleshooting guide have you? If you have you could see my attempts listed in the original post address all of the recommendations and changes. Yet did not fix the issues.

I really appreciate wonderful people like you who offer very little support in helping others yet act like you’re knowledgeable enough to post support. Do everyone a favor and don’t waste your time or ours positing stupid responses

Well if you went through the troubleshooting article for your latest setup you’d have a bunch of trace logs and screenshots of your issue to share.

But the issue is (almost) always ownership and permissions

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