I have successfully added the new Hulu series 11.22.63. However, Sonarr can’t seem to find any episodes.
Here’s the (DEBUG) log entries:
16-2-24 21:24:40.0|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [11.22.63 : S01E01]
16-2-24 21:24:40.0|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed https://api.nzb.su/api?t=tvsearch&cat=5030,5040&extended=1&apikey=&offset=0&limit=100&q=112263&season=1&ep=1
16-2-24 21:24:41.1|Debug|NzbSearchService|Total of 0 reports were found for [11.22.63 : S01E01] from 1 indexers
16-2-24 21:24:41.1|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|No results found
16-2-24 21:24:41.1|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 0 reports downloaded.
I’m using NZB.su and can manually find episodes when I search for “11.22.63” but not when I search for “112263”. Could it be the periods in the file name?
I see that someone made a scene mapping request for this show on 2/22/2016, but the comments say “not required”. If its not required, how do I make this work? Does anyone have this working?
The . is problematic as it is a special character.Threfore the generating the URL can cause problems.
It’s not only the Sonarr side, my indexer returns the . as an _ in the XML output of the RSS feeds.
To be very specific, Sonarr will then pass the ID to the indexer instead of the series title.
If it will actually “work” (result in valid results) depends on whether or not the indexer is able to correctly process the ID, which in this case still might be problematic.