'No matching series' problem


Sonarr has problems importing a series in my setup:

14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|DownloadTrackingService|[House.of.Cards.S03E02.720p.BluRay.x264-DEiMOS] Started tracking download with id 1-SABnzbd_nzo_18CjJF.
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'House.of.Cards.S03E03.720p.BluRay.x264-DEiMOS'
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Trace|Parser|^(?<title>.+?)(?:(\W|_)+S?(?<season>(?<!\d+)(?:\d{1,2}|\d{4})(?!\d+))(?:[ex]|\W[ex]|_){1,2}(?<episode>\d{2,3}(?!\d+))(?:(?:\-|[ex]|\W[ex]|_){1,2}(?<episode>\d{2,3}(?!\d+)))*)\W?(?!\\)
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. housecards - S03E03
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for House.of.Cards.S03E03.720p.BluRay.x264-DEiMOS
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Bluray-720p v1
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: DEiMOS
14-12-16 15:51:49.8|Debug|ParsingService|No matching series housecards

The Series name in the Library is “House of Cards”.

Is it possible that the download sent to sab is named S03E02, but the filename is S03E03? I seem to remember something like that happening to me before…

If thats the netflix one, should be called House of Cards (US), not the original House of Cards, do you have the wrong one in your series list?

Season 3 would be the originally, unfortunately some releases for the US one use “House of Cards” as the title, so they conflict. I have removed the alternate name to prevent this conflict and those files can be dealt with manually.

Refreshing the series in a few minutes should fix it up, if not a restart of Sonarr should.

It’s working now, thanks!