No files found are eligible for import in /finished

Sonarr version
Mono version
Unraid 6.11.5:
**[Error] DownloadedEpisodesImportService: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /finished/TV-Show-Episode. Ensure the path exists and the user running Sonarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder **:
No files found are eligible for import in /finished:

I know this is a common issue, but i’ve been tinkering for months and i’m going nuts, I’ve reinstalled multiple times with no result. Please be kind, I really avoid bothering people with this, so I don’t know the systems well.

Because I think this could be related, i’ll include the directory settings below:

*Unraid docker for sonarr:
Path: /downloads: /mnt/user/Plex/integrationready

*Sonarr settings:
Host (same server)
Remote Path /mnt/user/Plex/integrationready
Local Path /downloads/

*Unraid docker for qbittorent
/finished → /mnt/user/Plex/integrationready

*qbittorent settings
Downloads automatically to /finished

*Unraid folders
folder: integrationready
Owner: nobody
permissions drwxrwxrwx

so your download client is telling sonarr that the files are ready and under /finished/... except you dont have a /finished path in your sonarr container, you have /downloads, thus the error

three options - pick only one

  1. in sonarr add a remote path mapping from /finished/ to /downloads/ so that it can map the utorrent path to the correct local path

  2. change the volume for the sonarr container from /downloads to /finished

  3. change the volume for the qtorrent container from /finished to /downloads

that should fix the downloads.

if you are not sure a path exists inside your container or not then you can use sonarr to check by adding a root, or manual import, path (just dont save it). those let you browse through the local paths and if its not there then it really doesnt exist and you need to make it exist (add a volume in your docker config)

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