Newbie Guidance - Moving to Sonarr with Unsorted Media

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Docker
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

Hopefully, I chose the correct category.

I’ve just started down the road of using Sonarr and Radarr with Overseerr. I’ve got a handful of items in both Sonarr and Radarr, going to a new location setup using Trash-Guides folder structure. I also have an existing media library that is unsorted. It’s a mix of media files and compressed files with media files that aren’t named correctly at all.

I’ve spent the last few days figuring out how Sonarr and Radarr work, reading documentation, searching Google and playing around. I’m at a crossroads of how to import my unsorted media library and handle torrents I no longer want to seed.

The setup is basically a Synology NAS with an NFS export to a docker host with docker containers running everything. The docker setup works well, no issues there.

I’ve got the following paths setup:

/downloads/media-storage/media/{tv,movies} <-- New Library with Hard Links
/downloads/media-storage/torrents/{tv.movies} <-- Old Library + New Sonarr and Radarr requests hard linked.
  1. I know I must sort my existing library and rename files correctly. I’m going to use filebot for this. Once they’re sorted, should I move the files into the media library? (/media/{tv,movies}) and then just do an import which should be successful for the majority of the files?

  2. I usually seed all my torrents to keep my ratio up, but I had to start my entire setup from scratch. If I no longer want to seed a download for whatever reason, is there an automated method to move the media files from the downloads folder to the media folder versus continuing the hard link?

  3. For any torrents that are media-only files and not compressed files, is there a method to move them into the media library and still seed them? Or should I just stick to hard links and forget about it? This is more of an OCD question lol


  1. try wanted > manual import > pick a folder > interactive. you can check how it went at assigning shows/eps to files and only import the ones it gets right (or you can fix them at that point). you can deselect everything as well and manually assign chunks of them and import, or do the renames first then try (depends whats easier for you).

  2. configure sonarr to remove the job from the download client - it should hardlink while seeding and once it reaches whatever seed limits you have set in your download client sonarr should remove the job (your download client will then cleanup the files when the job is removed)

  3. not sure but i think you might be able to tag the job with the sonarr category (location), make sure it shows up in sonarr under activity>queue at which point sonarr should hardlink (if its still seeding) or move it (if its not). just remember point 2, sonarr will clean it up if its over your seed limit so if you do want it to hang around for longer than that im not sure its possible.

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