New to Sonarr, Having An Issue With Season Sub-Folders

I have all my shows on my computer organized as “X:\TV Shows[Show Name]\Season [Season Number].” When I add “X:\TV Shows[Show Name]” as the directory for the show, it tells me I don’t have any episodes for the show, and when I use “X:\TV Shows[Show Name]\Season [Season Number]” as the directory, it only finds the episodes from the one season. Is there something I need to do to make it search sub-folders as well as the root directory?

Sonarr always scans the subfolders in the series folder.

Make sure that your using the root folder when importing existing series X:\TV Shows not X:\TV Shows\[Show Name].

Okay. That seems to be fixing the problem, only now I have a second one. I deleted all my series, and just was going to import them from the X:\TV Shows folder, and everything was going well until I got to one of my original series that I’d already imported, and it said I couldn’t import it because that folder has already been added as a root directory. I have no series left, so how do I remove all the old root directories?

On the series import dialog remove the old root folders you added when you selected the series folder.

Of course. I was just looking at those as a “recent folders” list. Thank you very much for the prompt assistance.

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