Ndexers unavailable due to failures

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu 16.10 (in a Linux Container
((Debug logs)): https://pastebin.com/71aLLpNF
Description of issue:
I have been getting a high frequency of “Indexers unavailable due to failures” for various indexers ever since I started using the Linux version. All of the indexers have failed in this manner at one point or another during the past 72 hours. Some of the indexers that have failed are in Jackett others are an RSS feed and RARBG. Can someone please help me to troubleshoot this?

Many thanks in advance!

I see several errors with [v2.0.0.4855] System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure which indicates that there is possibly an issue with DNS and since you’re on Ubuntu, it may be a known DNS issue (not specific to mono/Sonarr).

@markus101 First off, i forgot to thank you for all of the work and contributions to this project. Sonarr has really made my life better in a significant way.

Secondly, thank you very much for your response. I did some research into the DNS setup w Ubuntu and there were issues in an earlier release which has now been fixed. The odd thing about the linux container that I am running Sonarr on is that I am able to ping google.com without any issues when Sonarr tells me that there are “Indexers unavailable due to failures”. Also, when I go to test the indexers that Sonarr indicates have failed under Settings>Indexers>[Indexder Name], the indexer always passes the Test and the error message goes away after testing. However, it seems I have to do this on an hourly basis.

Can you please provide me with some guidance as to what else I can do to diagnose or address this issue?




Thanks for the kind words.

It might be worthwhile to try using the legacy TLS provider and mentioned here: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/issues/1928 I don’t recall issues with 5.0 on Ubuntu, but it’s possible there are issues.

Do the indexers always fail with the same DNS issue? If Sonarr slowly backs off when it detects failures, starting at a few minutes and increasing for each subsequent failure.

@markus101 sorry for the late reply been busy. to answer your question, yes - the indexers are always failing with the same issues. as a reminder, i am using sonnar in an Ubuntu Linux Container if that makes any difference. Not sure if the issue is with Mono. But, I will try using the legacy TLS provider in the link you sent me and will let you know how it goes. Thank you for everything, again!

Update …
@markus101 I had the chance to use legacy TLS provider using the following command:
exec env MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy mono --debug $DIR/NzbDrone.exe
Sonarr worked but, I could not manage to get a new token issued to get RARBG running using the “CAPTCHA TOKEN” app to really test it out. Log file is: https://pastebin.com/vELmkDre .
I restarted Sonarr without using the Legacy TLS provider and it RARBG ended up working again. Can you please provide some suggestions as to what I can do to get a new token for RARBG using the legacy TLS provider?


You’ll need libcurl on your system so Sonarr can fallback to using that if secure connections fail as the legacy provider doesn’t support TLS 1.1 or 1.2.

@markus101 thank you very much for the tip. A few notes and 1 broad based question:
(1) my install of radarr is not experiencing the same issues. But, it seems to be using mono 4. Would that make any difference?
(2) when I am not using Sonarr with the old legacy provider, all I have to do to correct a failed indexer is to manually test it and the issue seems to go away for 15-30 mins. Can you please tell me why Sonarr cannot run this test itself?

I am having the same issue with my Ubuntu based docker (Linuxserver.io).

When I get the opportunity I will test using the old tls cert system and get back to you.

My issue was with an SSL web download client (rtorrent).

@Firefly thank you very much! how do you like using docker?

Are they on different systems? Sounds like libcurl is installed on the system running Radarr, but not Sonarr.

That fixes it immediately if it wasn’t working but now is, any time Sonarr tries to connect to an indexer/download client and it fails it tracks it, if it fails multiple times in a row it starts trying to use it less often, first for a few minutes, then up to hours. Testing it just forces it to use it right now and see if it’s working, the automatic back off would be pointless if Sonarr constantly kept trying to use it.

@markus101 thank you for all of your help and teaching me more about how Sonarr works. This has been a fun journey! Here is an update on your questions:
a) I have been running Sonarr w the Legacy Provider for the past 48 hours or so and have had a few indexers fail due to “NameResolutionFailure”, according to the logs. However, the rate at which the indexers are failing with the legacy TLS provider are around 1-2 per day as opposed to 1-2 per 30 minutes without using the legacy TLS provider.
b) My install of Radarr is running on a separate Linux container. However, that container is on the same machine as the one that is running Sonarr so they share the same hardware resources. Radarr is running Mono version 4.2.1.
c) Regarding libcurl: searched the Linux Container running Radarr and only saw that “curl” was installed. However, “libcurl4-gnutls-dev”, “libcurl4-nss-dev”, and “libcurl4-openssl-dev” were not installed.
d) I am also seeing only “curl” installed on the Linux container running Sonarr. Can you please tell me which of the versions of libcurl I should install to get “Rarbg” to authenticate again?
e) Would it be possible to run the latest version of Sonarr using Mono version 4.2.1? I am asking because Radarr is not exhibiting any of the “Indexer Fail” issues that Sonarr is.

As always, many thanks in advance!

According to a previous post, libcurl-dev, but I’m not sure what the different dev flavours are:

That shouldn’t be a problem, but 4.2.1 won’t fix falling back to curl without the proper libcurl package installed and shouldn’t be too different from 5.x using the legacy provider. NameResolutionFailure is possibly a DNS problem, or something on the host not resolving it, IIRC Ubuntu has a bug with name resolution in recent versions that can cause issues.

You don’t need libcurl-dev, that’s only needed if you write software and need to compile against it. It contains headers and stubs.

And guys: Use linux commands, don’t blindly install stuff.

Here’s what libraries are configured/installed on my machine:

# ldconfig -p | grep libcurl
libcurl.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4
libcurl-gnutls.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl-gnutls.so.4

and to find out which package provides a particular file:

# dpkg -S libcurl
libcurl3:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.3
libcurl3:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4
libcurl3:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4.3.0
libcurl3-gnutls:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl-gnutls.so.3
libcurl3-gnutls:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl-gnutls.so.4
libcurl3-gnutls:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl-gnutls.so.4.3.0

Since it needs libcurl.so.4: libcurl3 depending on which distro you have.

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