Multiple TV Series Libraries and Plex
Multiple TV Series Libraries and Plex

I have been using SONARR with PLEX for several years. I have had Sonarr collect my TV Series in a folder called “TV Series”, the media path in the container is “/mnt/user/Media/Video/TVSeries/”

Now I would like a separate Folder for Documentary Series but I cannot go “up a level” from TVSeries as that is the media path set in the container so I cannot tell SONARR to put the Documentary Series in any place but inside the TV Series folder.

But, If I do that then when PLEX Scans the TVSeries folder it also scans the doc series folder and it goes horribly wrong.

If I change the container path and go up a level is there a way to change the root directory for all current TV Series, without having to make changes manually to every TV Series settings so that I can then have Two Separate folders?

Upgrade to v3, v2 is no longer supported.

You could add another mount, but then imports to that mount would be across mount and not allow for hardlinks/atomic moves.

When you upgrade to v3 you can use Mass Editor for that.

I am running this in a docker on unraid.

I am not sure I can install V3 in that, as I took the option to update to get me to that version just today.

Thanks for that, I didn’t know there had been an update, I am all up to date now.

Any advice on correcting my problem now?

I am not sure that I can. If I select change root and add new path I cannot go up a level above my TV Series folder. I think it is because when I installed the docker I used a container path of


Am I right in thinking that that will mean that I cannot set a root directory as

“/mnt/user/Media/Video/TV Documentary Series”

Can I change the path to the container or will that make all that I have setup in Sonarr go horribly wrong?

yes, you can change the docker volume to say /mnt/user/Media/Video:/Video instead, which will break all your existing shows but you just remove the old root path and create new root paths for /Video/TVSeries (for your existing stuff) and /Video/Documentaries (for your new stuff), then use the mass editor to fix all the stuff that got broken

if your download path is under /mnt/user/Media somewhere then youd be better off setting the volume up at that level, eg /mnt/user/Media:/Media so that it can do moves, instead of copies, but you would also need to set it up in your download client as well (if they are dockered), and reconfigure them to save to /Media/path/to/your/download/client/folders

theres a wiki page somewhere that goes into detail about how you should setup your paths, i just cant remember where it is at the moment

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Thankyou so much for your help.

I was so afraid it would either mess up my entire DB or take forever to sort out, as it goes I needn’t have worried.

All sorted now

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