Multiple SAB Servers

Hey Guys,

I’ve recently begun the long process of migrating away from my ageing DL580 G5 Server on which I run Sonarr and SabNZBd over a few VMs over to a large cluster of Raspberry Pi 2’s.

Ideally I’d like to split download requests from Sonarr between 2 Pi’s - so if I add two Servers to the Download Clients section, can I configure Sonarr to split the downloads?


curently sonarr only supports a singe usent and a torrent client.
but something like that is alread on trello:


Thanks for getting back to me, sounds like a good feature request in the long term, for now a single SabNZBd Server will be fine.

Wonder if something like zenloadbalancer might work for something like this.

I run 2 VMs with this to a intranet “farm” of 3 web servers, there is a community version available Claims to handle various protocols but I have only used it for web based stuff so far. Redundancy between 2 zlb’s and whatever you put into your farm config.