Multi-Episode Style 3 or more entries

Series Import and refresh doesn’t seam to pick up things that are not a range.

if I use any of…
[Extended] S01E01-06-07
[Duplicate] S01E01.S01E06.S01E07
[Repeat] S01E01E06E07

it picks it up as
[Range] S01E01-E07
instead of the three entries
S01E01 + S01E06 + S01E07

I was expecting it to support the same styles listed in
Media Management - Multi-Episode Styles
in renaming options in detection

Now I’m wondering which series/release that is.
3 episodes with a gap in between? Are you supposed to stop watching that Frankenstein file at about the 1/3rd mark, continue with episode 2, 3, 4, 5 and then come back to this file?
Just genuinely curious…

Multi-episode files must be continuous, that is the only way Sonarr understands them to be.

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