Moving tv shows once the download has finished permission error

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): N/A
OS: Synology DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 6
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Remote download client SABnzbd places downloads in /volume1/downloads/complete but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing or incorrect remote path mapping.

Additional Information:
I upgraded from DSM 6 to DSM 7 and had to reinstall both Sonarr and sabnzbd, I have got most things working but it seems that Sonarr can’t access the folder to move the tv shows back into the correct folders. I have enabled permission for sc-sabnzbd on that folder as well as sc-download. Is there a user account for Sonarr that I need to allow permissions for that is stopping this from working?

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