More post-processing options (remux, subtitles, audio streams, clean up,..)

Hi there,

now i know there is the possibility to run custom scripts and supposedly there are some doing what it want, however i was looking into it and it is just to complex, not very user-friendly and you might end up going rogue on your library. For me it messed up the otherwise flawless sonarr post processing.

I found that the post processing is somewhat not complete, without turning to mentioned scripts. My idea is to get the best available quality including subtitles and audio streams and turn it at the end into one single container with only the parts you want to keep at a defined output quality / file size.
Here is what the post processing should do out of the box (editable via web UI):

  • snatch the file per definition (this is covered already)
  • look for (and monitor missing) defined subtitles and audio streams
  • gather (and monitor missing) defined meta data
  • remux it all in a single container per output definitions, delete anything that has not been defined
  • delete leftover files
  • mark as done

Needles to say this would be a great addition for radarr as well, to which i have just turned to from couchpotato with subtitle options.

Opinions on that?

Remuxing is an advanced thing that some people want to do, but plenty of people wouldn’t use it, I don’t see it being something that we’d implement, a custom script in Sonarr or your download client would be the best way to handle that.

How are custom scripts too complex for this situation? Unless someone has lready done what you’re looking for you’re going to need to put in the effort to write the script, but that seems like a good trade off to get exactly what you want.

I’d say people would use it, if it was available.
You are only referring to the remux i mentioned, but what about e. g. subtitles? Im talking about not only add the separate file into the container and delete the source, but also look up actively for missing languages. There are quite a few people that want multi-language audio as well. Furthermore lossless compression to save disk space is very valuable - like a said get the best available quality and then remux it down to your preferred format.
I figure “complete download handling” should include more output options.

Unfortunately i cannot get the scripts to run properly and have no idea how to write my own.

Subtitle downloading is a issue we’ve been tracking for a while

It’s still on our TODO list, though it’s not actively being worked on.

If you having already checked the third-party forum, try that. I think the custom-script feature of Sonarr is quite powerful and able to accomplish a lot of very specific things users want that won’t make it as a feature. Unfortunately sharing scripts among the community is not what it could be.

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