Monitoring turning back on for prior season of shows running on Windows

In the last week or two, I have noticed that monitoring is turning on for the prior season of episodes. Each day for the last week one or two shows will just pop up as being monitored triggering downloads. This was not happening previously.

I can go back in and remove the monitoring flag if I catch them and they don’t return but I have done this daily with different shows.

This seems related to the backend issue with tvdb/skyhook that is ongoing at the moment, or at least has been mentioned as a side effect. I’m not sure there’s anything can be done except disable if you notice it has happened, and wait for the issue to be resolved.

Came here to report the same. I have many, old shows that switched themselves over to being monitored.

Easy enough to fix but annoying. If it’s a known issue, I guess I’ll just keep an eye on things and switch them back to being un-monitored.

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