Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: Linux (Synology/Docker) Description of issue: A new episode of the Great British Sewing Bee aired on Tuesday - see screenshot:
To be honest that is not the best advice. That’s switching to the development branch of a beta version. Anything may go wrong at any point in time. If you can live with that and are willing to put in some work to file decent bug reports and accept that in the worst case you have to nuke your sonarr install and start over, go for it.
My understanding is that there will be no more updates to 3.0.0.x, phantom-develop is on to 3.0.1.x. But maybe I’m wrong? I don’t see why you’d run Phantom which is something between an alpha and a beta… and get yourself stuck on a version that is weeks old at this point.
14:02 <@markus101> either phantom-master will become a thing or we’kk update phantom at some point, but ideally we just go to master/develop soon™ and be done with v2
14:03 <@markus101> There definitely won’t be any updates to 3.0.0.x, it’ll be 3.0.y.x
I revoke my never mind. The phantom branch will not get any more updates, they’re going to phantom-develop now. So if you’re on v3, you should switch.
Seems a bit of a daft branching methodology. I’d have assumed that ‘phantom’ would remain as v3’s master until it’s released and supersedes v2, at which point it would switch to actual master and disappear. I don’t really want to run phantom-develop right now, as I want as much stability as I can have (I’m happy to test, but I use this every day). And how will people know to switch from one to the other?
So why not make phantom-master, you know, just phantom, and merge phantom-develop onto it??!
It’d just be for consistency of naming phantom-master becomes master. If we do introduce another branch we’ll redirect requests to update phantom to phantom-master and it’ll update as it normally would, the actual branch name doesn’t really matter.