Min, Preferred and Maximum Size

Requesting Min, Preferred and Maximum Size just like in Radarr in order to have more control over preffered size.

Mentioned this a while back on Reddit but I’ll just reiterate.
Sonarr does a search and finds i.e multiple Web-Dls;
xxxx.S01E01.1080.DD5.1.x264.YYY -->5.6GB
xxxx.S01E01.1080.DD5.1.x264.ZZZ -->2.5GB

As it is with my settings above set to unlimited size, Sonarr will still randomly grab any of the two mentioned releases despite me wanting the bigger file with a higher bitrate. Not sure how Sonarr determines between two releases which meet the criteria set in the profile but I think switching to Min, Preferred and Maximum Size would solve the issue.
The issue also happens with season packs. Season pack option 1 would be 56GB and option2 would be 25GB if the show had 10 episodes but sonarr will sometimes grab a random 21GB one which is obviously now a worse quality (bitrate-wise) than grabbing either of the individual episodes.

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