Sonarr version (exact version): Most recent
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Most recent
OS: Rasberrian/Ubuntu
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue (if you think you’ve found a bug please include steps to reproduce):
I have a Raspberry Pi running Sonarr. I am setting up a new server to run Sonarr and moving all the data to a NAS. I want to setup the new Sonarr from scratch. I will point the data directory to my NAS that has all of my downloaded shows. I just want to migrate the list of tracked shows along with their settings. Is it possible to import just my current database into a new Sonarr? I don’t even care if it has to rescan everything. I just don’t want to have to reenter all of the shows I track? Thanks for the help!