Migrate from V3 x86 to V4

Hi everyone,

I’ve installed Sonarr a few years ago on a fedora with an x86_64 architecture. There’s no rpm available so I took the sources and I’ve handled dependencies, installation and permissions manually at the time. I’ve always updated Sonarr from the user Interface.
I’ve just discovered the V4 and I understand that it evolved so much that it is necessary to re-install the version manually.

Unfortunately I see that the support for x86_64 architecture dropped… I don’t mind switching to a docker based install, but I wonder what is the best way to migrate from my x86_64 V3 installed from the sources to a docker based install without loosing everything…

I’ve looked for similar issues in the forum but I haven’t seen something similar, so i’m sorry if the question as already been posted somewhere.

Thanks a lot for your help.


I think you’ve misread that. It’s that x86 releases are no longer available, but x86_64 is very much still available, although if you’re not using one of their available install methods getting support for odd issues might be difficult.

I just updated v3 to v4 today and moved from running on CentOS 8 to Oracle Linux 9. It’s not push button easy mode like installing a package, but honestly I don’t really want a package install. I run it as user, using system user units to control things. Docker/Podman is an option but, not one I chose.

I’m not good at writing guides but I signed up for the forums just respond to you to let you know it’s possible and, for me at least, it was pretty straight forward to do. I looked the install script for debian. You have to understand bash but overall it’s not a complicated script, so should be easy to read and see what it’s doing.


For me because I was moving systems this was high level steps:

  • Make the users/dirs/etc… where I want it to live.
  • Backup my old app data dir
  • Download the tar ball to my new system. you can see how the URL is constructed in the script
    e.g wget --content-disposition “https://services.sonarr.tv/v1/download/main/latest?version=4&os=linux&arch=x64
  • Unpack the app data dir to my new system
  • Touch to create an update_required file in the app data dir
  • Make the systemd unit file referencing the right dirs.
  • Start it up

It worked very well for me. Data was migrated/updated for v4 and seems to be running fine so far.

Good luck with your v3 to v4!

Hi elmerfud !

Thanks a lot for your response !
I might have misread concerning the support for x86_64 indeed and eventually ended up installing the last docker version. It was not my primary intention but it works.
My V3 Db was in a good state so the migration was very straightforward and the fact of migrating from a user based install to a docker based install was really not an issue in the end.
I just had to follow Sonarr recommandation about the availables containers and volumes management. A little bit of documentation to read but nothing too tricky.

Since the docker based V4 is working well I will probably not be switching to a user based install soon. But I’m glad to read that this is possible and not too hard of a task.
I’m sure this litle “how to” will help a few user in the future nonetheless.
