Mass Edit Monitoring

Am I missing a way to mass set “Monitoring - Future Episodes”?

I went to Mass Editor and there is “Monitor Series” but it is simply on/off. I am looking for the options such as Future Episodes, Only Latest Season, etc. and I don’t see it there or any other way to set it on mass.

Why would I want to do this? I have a seed box that I periodically need to purge for hard drive space. After moving filles off the seed box, I need to delete them for good and not have Sonarr looking for these ‘missing’ eps and I need to do this across MANY shows.

v4 has this

Thanks, I didn’t realize V4 was out as my 3.0 X says “Latest version of Sonarr is already installed” and I didn’t read the fine print below LOL

You can also have Sonarr automatically unmonitor an episode that is deleted. That setting is under;
Settings/Media Management : in the File Management section

If you want this feature make sure you also set “Rescan Series Folder after Refresh” to “Always”. This setting will be hidden if you don’t have advanced settings visible.

Nice, thanks!

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