Manually adding a series ripped from DVD collection

Hi all,

I ripped a series from DVD and named it myself. Can this be added to sonarr? I tried to place it into the drone factory folder but it’s not getting picked up and the log file error is:

DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unknown Series for file: E:\nzbdronefactory\Outer Limits (1995) Season 06 Episode 08 dvdrip.avi

Perhaps I can cheat somehow by naming it the same as the original scene release (and if so, how can I find out the original scene release name?)

Many thanks

The problem is the file name and in how you used Season and Episode.

E:\nzbdronefactory\Outer Limits (1995) S06E08 dvdrip.avi should import properly, as long as the series name in sonarr is Outer Limits (1995).

that worked great (changed the season episode wording and added “The” to the start).

Thanks so much for the help