Manual search does not display results

Sonarr version (exact version):
Windows 10 64-bit
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
When i do a manual search for shows it never completes. I just get the dots bouncing back and forth forever. When checking the log it says it finished and parsed the results but it never displays them. This happens on multiple shows. The show i searched for was adventure time.(17-7-20 10:16:01.6 in log) The log says no results found but again, my display doesn’t update, just bouncing dots. Windows 10 x64. Automatic search seems to work thou. It also doesn’t seem to happen on all searches. I searched for the latest adam ruins everything and it popped up the results just fine. Weird.

Which browser are you using?
Have you tried a different browser?

I was using chrome. I just tried it with IE and same result. I have also tried it on multiple computers. no change.

In Chrome an you open the dev tools (Press F12), run the manual search again and then take a look at the Console and Network tabs for errors and failed requests respectively? It sounds like something is erroring out, but the debug logs show a successful response.

i just tried again and everything seems to be working as it should. Im not sure whats changed. It was happening for a good solid week before i made the post and persisted through server reboots and service restarts. Hmmm. well never mind than.

Very odd!

If it happens again, seeing what the UI sees in the network/console would be helpful. Thanks for letting us know it’s working for you.

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