Magnet link not finding peers when added to uTorrent [UPDATED]

So it seems when Sonnar finds a torrent it wants to add it uses magnet files like this.


uTorrent is failing to find the first peer so it can download the torrent information. So I’m thinking this is a uTorrent error and nothing to do with Sonarr but looking for confirmation or any suggestions on how to fix this problem.


Came home today to find several new episodes added for download. When I checked in uTorrent they were all 0 bytes and saying connecting to peers. Deleted them from the activity list and tried a manual scan. No matter which torrent I add in shows up in uTorrent as empty. If I add the same torrent myself directly into uTorrent then it works fine.

This is one of the torrents that displayed this behaviour:

Any clues? Was working perfectly last night but today not working at all with no changes to setup.

A reboot of the system has fixed the problem. If anyone has any ideas what may have caused it in the first place that would be great :slight_smile:

Next day and the problem is back again. Running latest master ( on Windows 8.1. Haven’t had a chance to reboot the system yet as I am at work (checked uTorrent remotely).

So to recap. Sonarr is finding episodes correctly and sending them to uTorrent. The torrent just sits there forever connecting to peers. When you look at the torrent you see that there are no files and it is 0 bytes. So it seems the torrent file is corrupt. If I download a fresh copy of the same torrent and add that file directly into uTorrent then everything is fine.

Anybody have any ideas where the problem might be? ie The torrent file being corrupted when fetched by Sonarr or when sent to uTorrent. Just need to figure out where the problem begins so I can figure out a fix.


[EDIT] See first post for updated information