Lots of Skyhook issues in the log and TVDB searches don't work

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Linux/Raspian
Debug logs: Log Link
Description of issue:

  • Can’t search for TV Shows anymore in the Search box, no results
  • The log shows that you can’t connect to skyhook
  • I’m able to connect to skyhook manually using - curl https://skyhook.sonarr.tv

I think it might have been that some of the providers have gone down and it was trying to go to the same cached addresses or something. I just rebooted my raspberry pi and voila it is now working again. I’m not used to having to reboot a Mac or Linux machine (thought that was Windows only), so I’ll remember to try that again next time.

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