Lost sonarr password/then didn't


.NET Yes (6.0.13)
Database Sqlite 3.37.2
Database Migration 215
AppData Directory /var/lib/sonarr
Startup Directory /opt/Sonarr
Mode Console

I have been trying to get into http://localhost:8989
I keeps asking me for a password but everything I tell it is wrong
Then I just tried again and, now, its working again

I have no idea what is going on. Is there someplace in sonarr I can look to find what it thinks is a password so that I can get it and put it someplace?

Incidentally, I installed this one a couple of days ago. Had no idea I would get the latest and greatest. Anyway, it seems to be working just fine. I was able to get a root folder (in /mnt/3tb/Sonarr. The strange thing is that it also tells me, in red, that its unavailable but I am also using it so I suspect that might be a mistake. I had a show called “The Circus” which is over. I have deleted it everyplace I could but, apparently its not enough and it keeps on trying to get episodes. I think I have fixed it but, just in case I thought I would mention it.

I also have two other problems:
Missing root folder: /mnt/3tb/Sonarr/
Download client SABnzbd places downloads in /mnt/3tb/done/complete/ but Sonarr cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder’s permissions.

These were old problems. They were fixed. Everything seems to be working but the problems remain. Just thought I would throw this one in too.

Thank you…

I have a long list of things in Activity. They all have orange colors attached to them. I do not know what orange means (if there is a place that says what colors in sonarr mean I cannot find it). Gives me the series, episode, episode title, quality and progress. The progress is a blue color and seems to be done. I am also keeping track of my download client (watched,incomplete,and complete*) The incomplete and complete tend to move over time. I have, however, checked my actual root folder and nothing seems to be sent there. Perhaps I need to change some things to make that happen?

I seem to be stopped but not sure. I currently have 109 in the complete column and 60 in the incomeplete. Apparently I see to have 109 in the complete one. (that changes every now and then)


The Colours you typically see under “Activity” are Purple (Downloading/Copying) or Amber/Orange (Warning there is a problem). If you hover the mouse over the coloured Icon you will get a an indication as to what the error is. You should also check the log messages as there should be errors in there indicating why your releases are not getting managed.

I have forgotten to send a log:

Thank you for the reply. my /mnt/3tb/done/complete is now up to 206 shows. I took a look at the problem and the problem says that the complete folder has stuff that “Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /mnt/3tb/done/complete/The.Great.British.Bake.Off.S15E07.1080p.AV1.10bit-MeGusta/. Ensure the path exists and the user running Sonarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder”

I have no idea what to do. I have over 200 completes. The complete and incomplete move around all the time. This means, to me, that while sonarr tells me that:
Missing root folder: /mnt/3tb/Sonarr/
Download client SABnzbd places downloads in /mnt/3tb/done/complete/ but Sonarr cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder’s permissions.

that is not happening. It sees the complete folder and then talks about what is there. All my folders are 777’s and anybody can access or do what they want.

I have also, one time a few days ago, moved some stuff out of complete to where they are going to end up. Sonarr, I felt, didn’t like me doing that (forget why now). Anyway, I am yet tempted again to move the folders into the root folder (/mnt/3tb/Sonarr)

I also keep wondering if I am correctly setup for this moving from complete.


Downloads being moved from incomplete to complete is a function of your download client and has nothing to do with Sonarr. Once it is in your completed folder Sonarr will attempt to retrieve it from there.

this message that you posted…

“Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /mnt/3tb/done/complete/The.Great.British.Bake.Off.S15E07.1080p.AV1.10bit-MeGusta/. Ensure the path exists and the user running Sonarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder”

This actually means that Sonarr cannot see the complete folder. The way it works is your download client told Sonarr it put the completed download in “/mnt/3tb/done/complete/The.Great.British.Bake.Off.S15E07.1080p.AV1.10bit-MeGusta/” and when Sonarr went to retrieve it, it could not see it (or access it).

Have you tried manually importing something? If you select “Wanted” on the left vertical menu you can get access to the “Manual Import” option which will allow you to navigate to where your completed downloads are.

thank you…

I tried the manual inport. I failed. Here is what I did:
Went to manual import, high lighted /mnt/3tb/done/complete/ and chose: Saturday.Night.Live.S50E06.Bill.Burr.Mk.gee.November.9.2024.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-None (this was the title and inside was the mkv file that will need to goto the /mnt/3tb/Sonarr/Saturday.Night.Live folder (and S50E05 files would be next). I expect that there shouldn’t be any problem moving it there. The only problem is that absolutely nothing happened as far as I can tell. So, I am not filling something in right. I could have, however, moved all the saturday night live stuff over as well as the other pile of stuff. Like I say, I am not sure I should do that as it may screw up Sonarr software. Again - its not doing this stuff for some reason and the one they give makes no sense. It knows what is there because it put it there in the first place. It, obviously, confuses me.

The main problem seems to be that it cannot read /mnt/3tb/done/complete and 3tb and everything under 3tb are all 777 files and anybody can do anything to one of those.

Another thought. I no longer know what i am supposed to put in the manual question. I assume that we are IMPORTING TO the final resting place which is /3tb/Sonarr/folder name. I am assuming that and I can be wrong. Importing usually doesn’t mean putting something someplace but, it this case?

I just noticed something called “import list” I have never filled this one out - need I?

When you tried Manual Import did you hit Automatic or Interactive? I would like you to try Interactive because if Sonarr can read the completed file you should see a dialog box like this…

Notice Sonarr was able to figure out what series, season, and episode I was importing and it could not determine the group so it is empty. If I hit the import button at this point Sonnar will move the media file to the configured root folder for the series in a subfolder for the Series and Season. For me, my root folder is /home/bergang/tv_nbk_gh/TV (configured under “Settings/Media Management” of Sonarr). Note I have three different root folders based on the way I organize my media library. This particular series uses the second one.

Here you can see how when I added the series to Sonarr and told it what root folder the series will use, it added the series name to give it a unique path which I have configured to include the year for the series and the IMDB ID in the folder name to assist my media server software in identifying it.

The reason I wanted you to hit Interactive Import was if you get the dialog box like I did for the episode import it means that the issue is most likely not with the Download Client configuration and more likely to be with the Root Folder configuration. Give it a try and make sure as a minum that the series, season, and episode are configured in the dialog box. If they are you should be able to hit Import.

As far as your question about importing and Import Lists, importing in this context means that you are going to make a media file be tracked by Sonarr in its database. Sonarr can only track media files that it can identify by Series/Season/Episode and must be located in one of Sonarrs configured Root Folders. That is why Sonarr will import a newly downloaded file and either move or copy it to the {Root Folder}/{Series Folder} location depending on how you told it to handle media as it cannot track it in the completed download location. If you manually move a media file into Sonarr’s Root Folder location and put it inside a Series folder, Sonarr may be able to automatically import as it scans the Series Folder every 12 hours as long as you name it in such a way Sonarr can determine Series/Season/Episode.

Import Lists are an entirely different thing and allow Sonarr to automatically add new TV series based on lists that are posted on the Internet. I have never used them personally as I always manually add new series to Sonarr.

Here is what I did:
Pressed the manual key went to ‘wanted’, and picked one by clicking on the little box chose interactive and then I ended up with: /mnt/3tb/Sonarr/name of show. I did this with 5 items. I had a list, last night, of them all. Today I came back. The items were still there but the boxes were no longer chosen. I am not sure what happened. I do know that I currently have over 230 things in my complete and I am going to have to transfer them to the proper files before something happens to them (I have no idea what but I have fears). I have no idea what will happen when i do that. I should also say that I only have one root folder and that folder holds all my shows, etc.

I checked and found that the five that I tried to move to the root/folder are still there so it didn’t work (manual) Something is seriously wrong. It seems to simple to me. I have two places, one is the done folder which has three folders. NZB,incomplete, and complete. Once complete they are ready to be put in the root folder (once they are put together properly). That’s not happening so I will move them and see what happens.

Oh, a thought, I have a category call ‘done’. There is also a folder called 'done;. It is at /mnt/3tb/done which holds three folders:
NZB watch

So, the category is named ‘done’ and the name of the folder is also ‘done’. Shouldn’t make any difference but, just in case…

I have been trying. One thing I did was to delete my root folder and tried to install again. My root folder is at /mnt/3tb/Sonarr and will not work as its not accessable to Sonarr.

When I do that I am told that it does not exist.
Here is my Disks thing on the main folder (Sonarr):
Size 4.0 TB — 1.7 TB free (58.7% full)
Contents Ext4 (version 1.0) — Mounted at /mnt/3tb
Device /dev/sda1
UUID fe7a71-141b-4b71-8efe-5537db0235ff
Partition Type Linux Filesystem

I have been reading everything I can on “does not exist” in sonarr. There is a lot. One that i found changed the name of the item in question. Before I do any more I would really appreciate anybody with a solution to “does not exist” that i can understand.

I tried: ‘/mnt/f4fe7a71-141b-4b71-8efe-5537db0235ff/’ is not writable by user ‘sonarr’. the “f4fe7a etc” is the uuid of 3tb. 3tb IS 777’d the other is not as i have no idea how to do that, with that.

I will also include some logs which may help:

I have now figured out that /3tb, which is the hard drive which holds my root folder /mnt/3tb/Sonarr. Neither /mnt or 3tb are writable, etc. These is the drive. Everything that is on /3tb, however, are 777’d Do I have to do that to /3tb drive as well?

I am also not using docker. Nothing against docker I just wanted to keep it as simple as possible.

Should also mention that sonarr continues to download episodes and sabnzbd is working well and filling ‘complete’. This, I think, also means that Sonarr is reading my root folder. I have been distributing them because it has no root folder because it cannot see it, it doesn’t exist, etc. and I don’t know why or how. I have also read a lot of stuff now and, apparently, there are different ways than just plain /mnt/3tb/Sonarr (name of root folder).

If it would do any good I can also post a part of my root file to see what I have in there.

What I really need is what kind of path do I need to use so that Sonarr is able to access, see, etc. If I can figure this one out I can stop!!

I still have no root folder and have absolutely no idea what it takes to make my root folder my root folder. I realize I must be doing something wrong but have no idea what that might be. I guess I can change it from /mnt/3tb/Sonarr to, say, /mnt/3tb/Sonarr1? Might try that one for the heck of it. I did that and it made no difference. It still tells me that it/mnt/3tb/Sonarr “does not exist” - It would be nice if it told me why!

I suspect that I have been told multiple times and just don’t get it?

I figured out the manual thing and it works. My system is also grabbing and posting missing items and that, in itself, is impressive in that it has to read what is in the root folder to see what is missing. I have also made sure that every show has “Season ??” for every season, that seemed to make things a bit better and acurate. It only found 29 missing over last night and there is a couple in the incomplete which just completed and I will move those in a bit or maybe do it with the manual thing.

As far as I know I am not using plex or deluge. Is this a problem?
