I have been trying. One thing I did was to delete my root folder and tried to install again. My root folder is at /mnt/3tb/Sonarr and will not work as its not accessable to Sonarr.
When I do that I am told that it does not exist.
Here is my Disks thing on the main folder (Sonarr):
Size 4.0 TB — 1.7 TB free (58.7% full)
Contents Ext4 (version 1.0) — Mounted at /mnt/3tb
Device /dev/sda1
UUID fe7a71-141b-4b71-8efe-5537db0235ff
Partition Type Linux Filesystem
I have been reading everything I can on “does not exist” in sonarr. There is a lot. One that i found changed the name of the item in question. Before I do any more I would really appreciate anybody with a solution to “does not exist” that i can understand.
I tried: ‘/mnt/f4fe7a71-141b-4b71-8efe-5537db0235ff/’ is not writable by user ‘sonarr’. the “f4fe7a etc” is the uuid of 3tb. 3tb IS 777’d the other is not as i have no idea how to do that, with that.
I will also include some logs which may help:
I have now figured out that /3tb, which is the hard drive which holds my root folder /mnt/3tb/Sonarr. Neither /mnt or 3tb are writable, etc. These is the drive. Everything that is on /3tb, however, are 777’d Do I have to do that to /3tb drive as well?
I am also not using docker. Nothing against docker I just wanted to keep it as simple as possible.
Should also mention that sonarr continues to download episodes and sabnzbd is working well and filling ‘complete’. This, I think, also means that Sonarr is reading my root folder. I have been distributing them because it has no root folder because it cannot see it, it doesn’t exist, etc. and I don’t know why or how. I have also read a lot of stuff now and, apparently, there are different ways than just plain /mnt/3tb/Sonarr (name of root folder).
If it would do any good I can also post a part of my root file to see what I have in there.
What I really need is what kind of path do I need to use so that Sonarr is able to access, see, etc. If I can figure this one out I can stop!!
I still have no root folder and have absolutely no idea what it takes to make my root folder my root folder. I realize I must be doing something wrong but have no idea what that might be. I guess I can change it from /mnt/3tb/Sonarr to, say, /mnt/3tb/Sonarr1? Might try that one for the heck of it. I did that and it made no difference. It still tells me that it/mnt/3tb/Sonarr “does not exist” - It would be nice if it told me why!
I suspect that I have been told multiple times and just don’t get it?
I figured out the manual thing and it works. My system is also grabbing and posting missing items and that, in itself, is impressive in that it has to read what is in the root folder to see what is missing. I have also made sure that every show has “Season ??” for every season, that seemed to make things a bit better and acurate. It only found 29 missing over last night and there is a couple in the incomplete which just completed and I will move those in a bit or maybe do it with the manual thing.
As far as I know I am not using plex or deluge. Is this a problem?