Logs say listening on port 8989 but no webpage loads

Sonarr version (exact version): Version
OS: KDE Neon 5.24
Description of issue:
I have started the latest docker image from (https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-sonarr). The logs show the web server is started and listening on port 8989 but no webpage is displayed.


[Info] OwinHostController: Listening on the following URLs:
[Info] OwinHostController:   http://*:8989/
[Info] SonarrBootstrapper: Starting Web Server
[Info] RssSyncService: Starting RSS Sync
[Warn] FetchAndParseRssService: No available indexers. check your configuration.
[Info] DownloadDecisionMaker: No results found
[Info] RssSyncService: RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 0, Reports grabbed: 0

When I open a browser and navigate to http://IP:8989 I get “Unable to Connect” in firefox. There is nothing further in the log.

Full Log:
I was unable to upload the full sonarr.log or sonarr.txt due to this restriction from your webserver:
Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, ico).

I was also unable to turn on debug as per the instructions here: https://wiki.servarr.com/sonarr/troubleshooting#logging-and-log-files as I cannot load the webpage to set the debug.

sudo lsof -i shows that docker is listening on these ports:

docker-pr  1867            root    4u  IPv4  25194      0t0  TCP *:8989 (LISTEN)
docker-pr  1875            root    4u  IPv6  24142      0t0  TCP *:8989 (LISTEN)

This is a new installation, I have not configured anything yet. I tried to install sonarr, radarr and bazarr. Both sonarr and radarr show they are listening but they do not load the webpage. bazarr worked the first time as expected.

The forum template post explicitly says to not upload the log here and how to share it. The wiki says to not share screenshots and how to both change and access logs without Sonarr’s UI

Read the wiki and try again.

Seems the issue is likely with your docker setup and it’s not available on your host? Or your host is failing to allow external access?

if you’re accessing from the same machine then in theory localhost:8989 should work

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