Local Sonarr and Remote Deluge. Deluge downloads to rclone mount on VPS, local rclone mount updated

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (using docker container by “linuxserver/sonarr”)
Debug logs:
Description of issue:


I am looking to modify my current home setup a bit, and I am looking for insight whether it’s possible and potentially few pointers on how to set it up.

I have everything set up and running on my local home server, but I am limited with my home network speed, and I wanted to utilise a VPS for downloading and uploading.

This diagram has my current setup, and what I would like it to be (Move deluge to a VPS)

At the moment, I have a setup similar to the “current setup” diagram. It’s working great.

  1. I add a series to Sonarr, it puts it into deluge
  2. Deluge downloads it to the “Local Downloads Folder”.
  3. Once it’s downloaded, Sonarr moves the series to the “TV Mount” rclone folder that syncs with google drive
  4. Plex also picks up the new series in the mount and lets me watch it

My new idea for a setup would be something like “new setup”, and it would hopefully work along these lines:

  1. I add a series to Sonarr on my home network
  2. Sonarr tells deluge on the VPS to download it
  3. The series is downloaded to “Local Downloads Folder” on the VPS, and then once complete moved by Sonarr to rclone “TV mount” on the VPS to be synced with Google Drive
  4. The “TV Mount” on my Home Network would refresh with the new series, and it would then show on Plex
  5. Sonarr would also see the series in “TV Mount” on the home network, so it would not be showing as missing

I just want to have my local Sonarr delegate the download to my remote Deluge, which would put the TV into a rclone mount on the VPS. Then my local rclone mount would eventually sync and update plex

I hope this makes sense, please let me know if you need any additional information.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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