Local Hard Drive Indexer

Before I found this wonderful tool, I would scour the sites manually every night and queue what I wanted. Night after night, of not sorting has lead me to have massive heaps of TV to sort by hand. I have already processed 12Tbs of shows with at least 2 times more than that.

Any chance there is a way to add an indexer to search a local drive(s) (similar to online indexers I can only guess) that could weed through and take the good shows, rename them and put them in their correct spot? Mind you, these files were not queued or found by sonarr so they don’t know that these files are needed.

I believe alot of people use filebot for that.

If all the series are already in Sonarr you could use Manual Import on Wanted: Missing, but the series will need to be added to Sonarr before Sonarr can import them. Filebot may help figure out all the different series so you can add them to Sonarr or you could sort them with Filebot.

Filebot does ok for 100 folders. Filebot in its newest form feels clunky and I am always “repainting” the screen or window to be able to see what it finds and what I am changing. Most of my drives are 4-6000 folders. I never knew about the manual import. Wow I am sorry I even posted about this but I learned something new! Even if I have to break it down to blocks of 500 or 1000, it would be far more efficient of my time to let it do it if it works well enough. I sorta feel like an idiot not catching that until now … sigh.

I do appreciate the thoughts and suggestions and appreciate the kindness instead of the hate and flaming that I hate to see on community forms. Thank you for your help. Admins can remove this and thank you for a great little tool!

Hell no, imagine someone else comes around with the same ideas. :slight_smile:

But good luck with your collection, it sounds impressive.

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