Linux and History

Hey guys,

Can someone running this on Linux confirm whether the History tab works or not?
It currently does not for me, and really has never worked, but I suspect that it may just be my database that is broken from running the earlier (not quite so stable) versions, so before I make a proper bug report, could someone else check if they also have this issue? :slight_smile:


I too am having this issue, though i’m on a very fresh install, and first time using program with linux. Running Ubuntu Server 13.04.

I can provide further information (error logs, etc) if needed as well.


I’ll take a look see if I can track it down.

I’ll post exact error messaged when I get home today

don’t worry, it’s already fixed :wink:

do an apt-get update apt-get install nzbdrone and you should be good to go!

Coolio :slight_smile:

Future Looks bright!! History is working :wink:

Thanks a ton!!