Language detection of existing episodes

hi everyone
i just installed sonarr v3 and i have some shows already downloaded in english and they are now running in german. so half of the show is already german and half in english.
sonarr detected the show as fully german. i had to set the episodes manually.
is this a bug or does sonarr not recognize the language of existing files?

Sonarr relies on the file name to determine the language of the file, if they contain German then they’d German, if they contain English or nothing they’re considered English.

How were the files named?

thank you for your answer! that’s what i thought about detecting trough filename. but the names were correct:

Migrating to v3 doesn’t alter the history to change the language, though based on those names I don’t see how it picked German in the first place when it grabbed/imported those last year.

okay i see. thank you for the clarification.:slightly_smiling_face:

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