L PortinUSeException

S Version-
System Windows 10

I have run Sonarr for several years with out issues, However, as I decided to access Sonarr from a remote laptop on the same local network,
I went into Setting > General > Host >Bind Address
I changed IP address biding from from *
after the change I am not able launch Sonarr, each time I get an error message. I have lost all my settings ( what a shame)
I have uninstalled and installed Sonarr several times I run into this error message
Epic Fail
PortinUSeException: Unable to bind to the designated IP Address/Port (*8989), Please ensure Sonarr is not already
running the bind address is correct for is set to *) and the port is not used
Please I need help to eliminate this error message and install a fresh Sonarr


It is recommended not to change this outside of some very specific cases, because of how the web server in v3 works it doesn’t really bind to that IP, but only allow that hostname to be used for connections, which breaks or using the hostname.

Definitely change it back to *, but also upgrade to v4 that was just released.

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