JSON airDate Calendar Bug?

My Calendar shows an upcoming show, “11.22.63” as airing on 02/14/16 at 9:01 PM (local time = PST).

Using the API, I retrieve the Calendar with JSON encoding
(e.g. http://localhost:MYPORT/api/calendar/?start=2016-02-13T08%3A00%3A00Z&end=2016-03-01T08%3A00%3A00Z&apikey=MYAPIKEY).

From this, the airDate, but not the airDateUtc is wrong for the “11.22.63” show:
“airDate”: “2016-02-15” (WRONG)
“airDateUtc”: “2016-02-15T05:01:00Z”, (which would be 02/14/16 at 9:01 PM PST, ie. CORRECT).

It appears that the JSON airDate may also be in UTC; Shouldn’t it be in Local Time (to match the Calendar) ? If not, shouldn’t the two “date” parameters be labelled differently; e.g. airdateUtc & airDateTimeUtc?

p.s. It appears that it is only “11.22.63” that have this issue. For other shows, the airDate is Local Time. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that “11.22.63” is at 9:01 PM Local time. All my other shows are earlier.

Air date is the date as entered on The TVDB, AirDateUtc includes the time and UTC offset to make a UTC date.

So why is the air date shown in the Calendar (e.g. as upcoming) different from the air date shown in the JSON {in particular for the show “11.22.63”)?

I think that you should be able to reproduce it by simply adding this show and compare the air dates in the Calendar vs JSON.

Because its timezone adjusted, 12:01pm EST on Feb 15th is 9:01pm PST on Feb 14th.

I am not sure if I understand.
Do you mean that the Calendar shows the air date adjusted to local date/time while JSON shows the air date/time as entered on The TVDB (which is EST)?

The UI uses the airDate info to show the date for daily episodes (instead of season + episode number). Other dates are shown in your local timezone, which would be airDateUtc -8 for PST.

The only reason you see a difference in the dates in this case is because the episode releases at 12:01am in EST, if it released at 11:59pm EST it would be the same day.

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