Jeopardy! Episode and Season Numbering

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Synology DSM7 in Docker
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
I didn’t include debug logs because this isn’t a bug in the program. So, I have Plex record Jeopardy! every day. I finally installed Sonarr (freaking love it by the way), but Sonarr is ordering the episodes as Season2020Exxx instead of what Plex is doing which is S38E106. It looks like Plex is using the “official order” from TVdb and Sonarr is using the “Year order” from TVdb. Is there any way to get Sonarr to use official order so that I can keep Plex, Sonarr, and Ombi in sync? I added it as “Standard” instead of “Daily” but it still pulls in the year as the season. Thanks sooo much.


TVDb only makes one order available on their v3 API.

That is what Sonarr uses.

Damn… thanks man. I was hoping there was some hidden setting somewhere in a obscure XML file lol, but guess not. I’m thinking about writing a script to re-number them based on airdate but then need to figure out the best way to do this for Plex to use.

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