Items left in Queue after download and rename successful?

Sonarr Ver.
Mono Version 3.10.0


  • Sonarr running on Rasp Pi
  • ReadyNAS box contains all media files (as well as uTorrent client)

Everything is working fine, the episodes are downloaded, rename, and placed in the right folder and Plex sees them great, however, they seem to get stuck in my Queue (under Activity). I assume it’s because they are still in my uTorrent? This problem just started happening, I never used to see these get stuck.

Message is "No files found are eligible for import in /mnt/BitTorrent/tv-sonarr/.
Logs show “Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /mnt/BitTorrent/tv-sonarr/” every minute or so.

I read that I can just remove it from my uTorrent, which clears up the queue, but I’d rather have this done automatically.

Any guidance? Maybe it’s just a setting I need to flick?

Sounds like Items remaining in Activity tab

As long as there is at least one imported file in the release Sonarr marks it as imported and ignores it. Check the debug logs and confirm Sonarr is actually importing the files (and not using a different method to import, such as Drone Factory).

Could it be the fact that uTorrent has is setup with 1 folder for “In-Progress Downloads” and another for “Completed Downloads”?


That didn’t help.

Is it the fact that when the download is done, it moves it to another folder/share on my NAS?

It doesn’t make sense though since it was working fine and then just stopped (possibly when I moved Sonarr from a Windows machine to a Rasp Pi). Let me know what I can supply to help diagnose the issue.

If the path being reported is the correct path where the files live then probably not the issue.

That’s a pretty significant change… if it stopped at that time you’ve missed something in the setup, or left the old Sonarr instance running and it’s importing the files…

Again, debug logs of the import will show you whether Sonarr imported the file (as will history).

Thanks markus101, I’ll poke around a bit and see what I can find. If I still run into the issue in a few days, I’ll post by debug log.

(I noticed that for some reason my Drone Factory Interval was set to 1, so I set it to 0 as a test)


No dice still, see below for a snapshot of my logs (I restarted Sonarr and cleared the logs before I downloaded an episode). Again, the weird thing is it does copy the .mkv from the folder uTorrent downloads it in to another share where all my media live like it should (TV shows, movies, etc.), and it does save the original in the location it was downloaded in.

Also, no other service should be doing the import, here is a list of my running services.

pi@sonarr:~ $ service --status-all
 [ + ]  alsa-utils
 [ + ]  avahi-daemon
 [ + ]  binfmt-support
 [ - ]  bluetooth
 [ - ]
 [ + ]  cron
 [ + ]  dbus
 [ + ]  deluged
 [ + ]  dhcpcd
 [ + ]  dphys-swapfile
 [ + ]  fake-hwclock
 [ + ]  gdomap
 [ - ]
 [ - ]
 [ + ]  kmod
 [ + ]  lightdm
 [ + ]  lighttpd
 [ + ]  networking
 [ - ]  nfs-common
 [ + ]  nzbdrone
 [ - ]  paxctld
 [ + ]  pihole-FTL
 [ - ]  plymouth
 [ - ]  plymouth-log
 [ + ]  procps
 [ + ]  raspi-config
 [ + ]  resolvconf
 [ + ]  rpcbind
 [ - ]  rsync
 [ + ]  rsyslog
 [ + ]  ssh
 [ - ]  sudo
 [ + ]  triggerhappy
 [ + ]  udev
 [ - ]  x11-common

Here are my debug logs…

Also, in the Activity window, it seems to inddicate that these torrents are still running, however they’ve been done for hours/days.

There is nothing in the logs that shows Sonarr importing the file, Sonarr will definitely log if it is importing the file so I can only conclude something else is importing the file.

The screenshot shows 0B / 2.16 GB remaining, so 100% downloaded.

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