I’ve had an issue before with Sonarr and rtorrent magnet links:
I know the rutorrent help forum is more appropriate for this but for some reason I cannot register there as my activation email never arrives, no matter what email I use.
Anyway, I don’t know what changed but suddenly when Sonarr sends rutorrent a torrent magnet link it applies the appropriate label but as soon as the .torrent file is received the torrent is stopped and the label is removed. Has anyone had this happen before? I don’t have any autolabel settings set or anything.
I have since switched torrent clients because of it but according to this:
opened 03:59PM - 07 Feb 17 UTC
closed 03:25AM - 23 Feb 17 UTC
Status: Cannot Reproduce
Using seedbox with rtorrent 0.9.6/ruTorrent 3.7 setup.
When rss sync doesn't … find a release automatically, I need to do a manual search/grab. When grabbing manually and having radarr send the download to the seedbox, I've noticed that the download is always defaulting to "stopped" mode along with missing the category label I've setup in the download clients settings. I have to manually start the torrent and then set the category label manually so my autotools work properly.
When it auto grabs a release from the rss sync, everything seems fine, just seems to be an issue with manual grabbing and sending.
Using latest radarr develop release as of Feb, 6th.
is seems to be fixed by two PRs:
committed 08:07PM - 10 Mar 17 UTC
committed 11:15AM - 11 Mar 17 UTC
I just wanted to know if this is indeed the issue it is addressing before I commit to switching back to rtorrent.
Why are you cross-posting the same question everywhere?
But yes, those commits are supposed to fix that and afaik a couple of users have reported positive, specifically here https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/issues/1745 . But no way to know for sure till you try it. You could just leave the other client running and configure Sonarr to send new downloads to rtorrent and disable the other one in Sonarr.
July 26, 2017, 7:51pm
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