Issues with Downloaded episodes not importing into folder

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

I’ve newly configured Sonarr, I have it running in my startup folder, I use a Drobo NAS and I’m using the UNC path to these directories. I’ve added a show, and went under the Wanted and forced it to search for the whole season to test it and see if I could get it working.

It now has all 9 episodes in the activity but there are errors in the logs for failure to import directory
“Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: \drobo5n\share1\Unsorted\Doom.Patrol.S01E03.720p.HEVC.x265-MeGusta”

I don’t understand why this is, now it eventually gave me an error under “System” saying missing root folder: \Drobo5n\share1\Test which is the directory where I want the downloaded files to be moved to once finished.

it seems to be a permission issue or an issue with Sonarr not being able to see that directory but I don’t understand because I started it in the startup folder which is meant to make this work.

Debug logs, I only just turned it on after reading the info below.

If running as a service, make sure you are running as a user that has read&write permissions on both source/import and the destination/mediastorage directories (as apposed to local system).

Also, make sure ownership and permissions are set up correctly.

Good Luck :sunglasses:

Silly me, I originally tried changing the startup account for the service… but i switched to launching them from startup but forgot to change them to manual. So i think they were starting up automatically with a bad account. I just tested it now after switching to manual and they are working fine.


Yep. Happens all the time.

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