Issue with wrong season search

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):6.12.0
OS: docker
Debug logs:
2023-09-01 12:14:55.8|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/episodeFile?seriesId=82: 200.OK (54 ms)
2023-09-01 12:14:59.6|Info|ReleaseSearchService|Searching indexers for [Bleach : S02E01 (01)]. 2 active indexers

Description of issue:

For a specific anime (Bleach) the last season is s17. As you see in the screenshot it’s well see by sonarr as season 17, but when I laugh a search, it found nothing and when I look at the log files, it search for season 2.
I think it’s because the bleach anime as been in pause for more than ten years, and it is sometime considering by some website as a complete season 2
But as sonarr detect a season 17, why when I search he send a Season 2 request to the indexer ?
Is that mean the agent, or scanner, used to display season in the UI is not the same than the one used by the indexer ?
FYI i test with standard and anime configuration
Can you held me
thx in advance

Ok, with search on the forum I found than sonarr use tvdb for tv show listing.
That anime have 17 season on tvdb so it should work.
Any idea why when I look for a season 17 episode it send a season 2 request ?

Hummm ok but what I can do from that ?
On TCDB it’s 17 season, on aniDB it’s 3 and on xmaster, it’s two.
So why sonarr display me 17 season but search only in 1 or 2 ?
Does that mean the anime list come from tvdb and the search in indexer is done ma Xmaster ?

From what I understand, TVDB is used for season and episode information and scene is generally used for downloading (no point in searching for something if that’s not what anyone refers to it as).

In the case of Bleach however, there is no scene information, so it falls back to Xem’s master order instead.

If no releases (on trackers generally, not just your particular favourite one) are actually using Xem’s master order, nor using absolute numbers, and instead are using TVDB's season and episode order, then this will need to be corrected.

If it’s just your tracker using the wrong order, or one particular release group, then the issue lies with them.

See for more information - TheXEM Moderation Guide | Servarr Wiki

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