Issue with wanted - error fetching missing items

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Docker
Debug logs: available
Description of issue: I’ve got docker running with all the ‘arr’ docks running, and I’ve found under the ‘Wanted’ section of sonarr it comes up with an error : “Error fetching missing items”. If I change the filter to cutoff met, the error changes to “Error fetching cutoff unmet”.
I’ve deleted the dock, wiped the storage folder and reinstalled fresh. Tried with a backup then tried with a fresh import.
I’ve checked folder permissions, and still same issue. I’ve even chmod777 the folder to make sure.

No other issues at all. when I use nzb360 (android) to access it, no issues with missing items list. Its only on the main gui.

not sure how to attach log files, but I have had a look through them and cant see anythign regarding this. Did also do a debug and a trace.

I have seen this error showing up in the docker container logs:

in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 

[Fatal] SonarrErrorPipeline: Request Failed. GET /api/v3/wanted/missing 

[v3.0.9.1549] System.ArgumentException: Instance property 'episodes' is not defined for type 'NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Episode'

Parameter name: propertyName

  at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Property (System.Linq.Expressions.Expression expression, System.String propertyName) [0x00051] in <f6c405b973804b5c804e7e759353765f>:0 

  at NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Extensions.PagingSpecExtensions.CreateExpression[TModel] (System.String propertyName) [0x00043] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Datastore\Extensions\PagingSpecExtensions.cs:36 

  at NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Extensions.PagingSpecExtensions.OrderByClause[TModel] (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Datastore\Extensions\PagingSpecExtensions.cs:11 

  at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.EpisodeRepository.GetMissingEpisodesQuery (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec, System.DateTime currentTime, System.Int32 startingSeasonNumber) [0x0000d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\EpisodeRepository.cs:216 

  at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.EpisodeRepository.EpisodesWithoutFiles (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec, System.Boolean includeSpecials) [0x0000d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\EpisodeRepository.cs:111 

  at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.EpisodeService.EpisodesWithoutFiles (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\EpisodeService.cs:152 

  at Sonarr.Http.SonarrRestModule`1[TResource].ApplyToPage[TModel] (System.Func`2[T,TResult] function, NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec, System.Converter`2[TInput,TOutput] mapper) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\Sonarr.Http\SonarrRestModule.cs:43 

  at Sonarr.Api.V3.Wanted.MissingModule.GetMissingEpisodes (Sonarr.Http.PagingResource`1[TResource] pagingResource) [0x001e7] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\Sonarr.Api.V3\Wanted\MissingModule.cs:40 

  at Sonarr.Http.REST.RestModule`1[TResource].<set_GetResourcePaged>b__36_0 (System.Object options) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\Sonarr.Http\REST\RestModule.cs:139 

  at Nancy.NancyModule+<>c__DisplayClass14_0`1[T].<Get>b__0 (System.Object args) [0x00047] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 

  at Nancy.NancyModule+<>c__DisplayClass16_0`1[T].<Get>b__0 (System.Object args, System.Threading.CancellationToken ct) [0x00047] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 

  at Nancy.Routing.Route`1[T].Invoke (Nancy.DynamicDictionary parameters, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00017] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 

  at Nancy.Routing.DefaultRouteInvoker.Invoke (Nancy.Routing.Route route, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nancy.DynamicDictionary parameters, Nancy.NancyContext context) [0x00086] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 

  at Nancy.Routing.DefaultRequestDispatcher.Dispatch (Nancy.NancyContext context, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x002b7] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 

  at Nancy.NancyEngine.InvokeRequestLifeCycle (Nancy.NancyContext context, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nancy.Bootstrapper.IPipelines pipelines) [0x0011d] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 

Additional Information:

  • Information on the log files is here: Sonarr Troubleshooting | WikiArr
  • Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings
  • Post the log file, not a line or two, or just the error from the Logs table
  • Post the full log to hone of the sites recommended in Logging and Log Files section of the wiki
  • Do not post them directly here. Post in .txt not .doc, .rtf or some other formatted document

so from actually looking at the logs while not sleep deprived - it seems its an issue when using my reverse proxy setup. If i use the 192.168 address, it works fine, but if i use my external site, then it has an issue. all other pages on sonarr work. All other programs work fine too… is there a setting I’m missing and cant see?

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