Is there an eztv workaround?

As it’s been pointed out, eztv’s RSS has not been working for a while. I have seen many references to proxy feeds that mimic a an official eztv. When I’ve plugged those into the URL section of the eztv indexing window, it doesn’t work; the tests fail. I was wondering if anyone has figured out a workaround or is using a third-party addon to get this to work.

My main issue is that the Sonarr autosearch is missing episodes because it can only search Kickass (since I don’t have access to the invite-only or monthly pay options.) When I go to eztv, I can find everything doing the manual search. Of course, this defeats the point of Sonarr.

Anyway suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Hi! I was wondering the same thing earlier since I mostly get my tv
fix from eztv and I found this as an alternate solution. I hope it helps!

EZTV was compromised by hackers recently. The sites now garbage, it’s filled of a mix of genuine torrents and scams/malware/etc. The original owner of EZTV posted that he was officially out, and had given up fighting the hackers. So both and are gone. There is no longer an EZTV, and it really, really sucks.