Is it possible to bind to only a single IP

OS: Windows 10 Pro x64

Currently when I set the IP address binding in Sonarr to, it is taking up the same port on all of the assigned IP addresses on the NIC (x.2, x.5, x.6 and x.7) but throwing a 404 on any IP except ‘localhost’ and the the designated IP address.

This is preventing me from running multiple applications on port 80 using separate IP addresses. I could have sworn that’s how it was set up before I wiped my machine yesterday. Is this normal behaviour?

I found this post indicating that may be true;

The side effect of this is that it always fails to start under a standard user account if the IP binding is set to anything except “*”, because it only requests a urlacl reservation for the specific bind address but tries to attach to all available addresses on startup, resulting in a port unavailable error.

It’s not currently possible, hoping we can improve this in a future version with a different web server (but no short term plans for it).

Hi @markus101

Do you know approximately how long ago the current windows http backend was implemented? (If it ever changed)

I seem to recall not having this behaviour in Windows 7 Pro x64, so if there is a backdated version that has a different behaviour, I’m happy to use that until a later version.

I’m also having issues with 10 Pro on my machine so will likely be returning to 7, if the behaviour is different on that OS.

It hasn’t changed since v2 was release, years ago.

Perhaps http.sys changes between 7 and 10 are the cause of the issue, but I do know the Sonarr side of things hasn’t changed.

Hi @markus101

I just wanted to let you know that after testing, the behaviour is consistent on 7 and 10 with the latest version. Not sure how it worked before but at least that mystery is solved for me.

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