iOS Web Clip Does Not Work (browser does)

Has anyone else noticed that since that web clips on iOS don’t work? If I go to Sonarr in Safari, it works perfectly. If I save that bookmark to my home screen (web clip), I just has the 4 dots scrolling left and right. Anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks.

The underlying application is the same so I don’t see how it could be any different. Are there any errors that pop up? Or errors in the logs?

I don’t see anything strange in the logs. I tried it on two other devices and they both work. It’s strange that it doesn’t work on my device. Is there any verbose logging I can turn on?

You could enable ((trace logging), but since it loads on two other devices its not likely to make a difference as it appears to be UI related and specific to one device.

Between the different devices, what has changed? Same OS version? Same device type? Same model?

Just wanted to follow up to say that build fixed this issue. Thanks!

Hmm… it’s weird, mine still doesn’t load. It perfectly loads in Safari, but not with Home Screen shortcut.

I finally managed to make it work.

All my apps: NZBget, Sonarr, Couchpotato, are installed on Synology NAS and I’m using remote connection service: all the ports are forwarded through it. Everything works fine on all my devices besides Sonarr on iOS Safari on my iPhone.

I first cleared all the cache and data within the iOS Safari settings which didn’t make any difference, but actually Sonarr stopped loading completely on both Safari and Home shortcut.

I then cleared the cache again and connected through the local IP, which worked fine. I then connected via, which worked fine again and at this point I created a new Home shortcut, and it started working.

What is strange, is that it takes less than 5 seconds for Sonarr to completely load when I access it directly on Safari, where using Home Web shortcut takes more than 20 seconds, then the loading icon never stops, it just keeps rotating.

There are no errors shown in the Sonarr logs. Hope this helps.

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