I’ve downloaded an episode of legends of tomorrow under “specials”. It downloaded it properly (it’s only around 103MB) but Sonarr says it’s an “invalid season or episode”. I know this would be invalid if it was a regular episode but shouldn’t Sonarr consider this as a special episode and consider it to be valid regardless of its small size?
Sounds like it can’t parse it, you can use manual import to import it.
The filesize doesn’t matter for importing, the run time is used, which doesn’t apply to specials.
Will this happen for all specials then? How do I do a manual import?
Every special is different, mostly because they are released with poor names that aren’t easily parsed.
Wanted: Missing has a manual import option.
Season 2 Episode 6, the series just started airing recently, its not in season 2 yet. Its exactly what it says, invalid season.
v1, not a proper.
Sry, I didn’t even notice. To early in the morning.
You can remove all of that if you like…
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