Invalid Newznab URL entered

Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)

Trying to add nmatrix i get:
Invalid Newznab URL entered

I read that on windows you need to install net 4.0 but i am on ubuntu. Any help?

Working fine for me using 13.04 x64

API Key: From my profile

What URL are you using?

The same url you have posted. i tried with the trailing slash too.



Tried resetting API key.

Works fine in sickbeard (slowly trying to migrate away, it has been giving me nothing but issues recently).

Alright, hopefully drone is logging the error then, clear your log files (System -> Logs -> Files) then try it again and pastebin the error (comment out your API key though).

If i actually go to:,5040&extended=1&apikey=APIKEY

It works fine.

Looks like a DNS issue on the Ubuntu box running Drone.

When you go to it in a browser a re you going to it from the exact same computer?

No this PC is remote (server in a data center)

I have tried changing the DNS on this machine for other reasons, i’ll take another look.

Edit: Changed my DNS to googles and it works.

Thank you.

Awesome, glad you got it sorted.

A post was split to a new topic: Can I use Newznab+?