Intermittent torrent issues: downloading and then moving files

Hello all,

I’ve been having issues with torrents that are intermittent. 70% of the downloads work fine; it’s the remaining 30% where something doesn’t go as planned. I’m surprised it isn’t 0% or 100% personally, as I only use torrents and only have one indexer (KAT).

Frequently, episodes of a series will not start to download, when there is an episode available from the indexer that meets the download criteria. There will be a series with a few missing episodes (intermixed with episodes that downloaded successfully), and when I click the “Automatic Search” button, it immediately finds and starts a download. These episodes are weeks old, and the torrent had met the criteria probably for days/weeks. Anyone know why I had to click the button and why it didn’t automatically start?

Other times, an episode will download, but will sit in the downloads folder. I actually am officially holding off on asking you guys for help with this one, as I further investigate permissions issues and existing threads in this forum. I will add that the folder that the downloads are stored in (along with the final destination of the episodes) is a CIFS mount on Linux, in case there are any known bugs with that.

What is your RSS Sync interval set to? That will impact Sonarr’s ability to find episodes as they are posted (and the only way Sonarr finds things automatically:\

KAT will only return 25 items via RSS, so a lower interval is a must, during peak times, 25 might only be there for 10-15 minutes.

RSS interval is set at 60min (changed that from the default on day one). Torrents that have been up for days/weeks aren’t being downloaded so I’m not sure they would ever download.

Lower your RSS sync interval, by the time 60 minutes passes 25 items have passed and Sonarr didn’t see those episodes.

Sonarr relies on RSS to grab things automatically, otherwise you need to search (and mentioned in the FAQ).

Cool, what do you recommend? I forget what the default was. I set it higher because I said to myself “hey let me be a good internet citizen and not pound these free services so hard.” Would you recommend 15, 20, 30?

Its something you’ll need to play with, I’d start at 15 minutes and if things are still being missed drop it down until you find a sweet spot.

I am also having the same issue.

Using KAT as indexer, only 1 show out of about 12 has downloaded automagically, all others show as missing, but once i auto search it finds it.

Moved to this topic because it sounds closer to what you’re seeing.

Check your RSS Sync Interval and post debug logs showing an RSS sync that misses a wanted episode if you continue to experience issues.