Installing NzbDrone - no browser session [SOLVED]

Just installed NzbDrone for a friend and all worked fine, but a browser session does not start.

I remember the same happening to my own installation a few months ago and I had to search the forums for the port etc so as to do it manually.

Is this a bug, or is there a setting I may have overlooked during the install?

I’ll try again on another PC to try and capture any relevant messages.

is the browser working when trying to access from the local machine (the one NzbDrone is installed on)?

or is this only happening when trying to load the page from another machine on the network if this case then you would need to add the default port (assuming you haven’t changed it) to the windows firewall

you could also try disabling the firewall and just seeing if that changes anything and whilst your at it if running as a service check that it is running if so try restarting

cannot say if any of these would help but perhaps things to try if you have not already let us know if these work or not and we can go from there and try and help you diagnose the problem

Good Luck :smile:

I think I have found the issue.

The last message in the install wizard tells you to open NzbDrone from the shortcut (in All Programs) which works fine.

I thought I read somewhere that once the install wizard finished, a browser was opened at localhost:8989, but looks like I must be wrong.

I guess this can be marked as solved.

Ok Glad you sorted it.

Marked as Solved :smile: