Indexers unavailable due to failures: KickassTorrents

So for the past few weeks I have been recieving an “error” from Sonarr. It says “Indexers unavailable due to failures: KickassTorrents”. It appears to be working still for the most part, as many of my shows are still downloading. I noticed today a new show I added could not be found with the automatic search or the manual search through Sonarr. So I went to and searched there, the episode existed on there.

The log file for my Sonarr is here:

I also have Rarbg as an indexer, but I have no clue if it works.

someone else posted an error with today, maybe there is an issue on their end

or may be url changed…

I’ve had this error for a few weeks, never bothered to ask about it because things seemed to continue working. It still finds some stuff so I don’t understand what is going on.

Anyone else have any ideas?

I believe their IP address may have changed. Due to the way mono caches DNS requests on some systems, the only fix is to restart Sonarr if it’s causing problems. See if that helps.

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I even knew about Mono’s DNS caching and didn’t think to restart Sonarr…

This fixed my issue. Thanks!

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Restarting Sonarr did not fix it.

I have even updated Sonarr since this error has been present, with no resolution.

The output from seems to enforce gzip content encoding - at least if fetched via wget/curl - apparently sonarr doesn’t handle that very well.

A quick test :
curl | gunzip
will show normal html output, but without the gzip-pipe only “garbage”.

curl -I

will give

Content-Encoding: gzip

Don’t know if there’s a knob somewhere in Sonarr or the back end libraries that will enable gzip-support.

GZip is pretty standard, I’d be surprised if it didn’t handle it, though I wonder if its an issue when falling back to Curl (which would affect mono users). Debug logs will show if its falling back.

(My) debug logs no longer show any problems, searching also works.

I can’t see any local reasons that it should work again (or that it should have stopped working). Curl still shows the forced gzip-encoding, but Sonarr doesn’t appear to have a problem with it (any longer?). My guess is “something” changed again at the remote end.

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