Increase RSS Sync Interval

Hello Guys

is it possible to increase the time of RSS Sync Interval?
Maybe to 240?

Because just 120 Minutes is still to short.


Why is it still too short? If something you want appears on the RSS feed and 2 hours later Sonarr scans that RSS feed and its no long there it would be missed.

Because i use a newznab site with very strong restrictions concerning api hits (11 per Day) and therefor i need to increase the interval.
Or is there any technical problem which prevent a free choice of the limit?

We do it to prevent people from shooting themselves in the foot because episodes aren’t grabbed automatically, we felt 2 hours was adequate to ensure things weren’t missed in most cases, but we’d recommend a lot lower than that.

No plans to change the current maximum, people just need to pay for good indexers (bonus it keeps them open because they aren’t cheap to run).

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In CouchPotato and SickBeard I configured the interval to once in 24 hours (1440 minutes).
Every morning my media center is restarted for maintenance and CouchPotato and SickBeard begin to search.
SickBeard will automatically starts searching after (re)starting the application.
In CouchPotato there’s an option ‘Force run the searcher after (re)start’ you have to enable.
When my media center is idle for 15 minutes it goes to standby so Sonarr is not always active.
I’m currently using both SickBeard and Sonarr for my series but if there was an option in Sonarr to start searching after launching the application and I was able to set the interval to 24 hours I would completely drop SickBeard and only use Sonarr for my series. Please make it possible to change the interval to 24 hours or at least make it possible to start searching after launching the application.

When the computer goes to sleep Sonarr isn’t shut down or restarted, so there is no way for it to automatically run on resume (unless you script something to hit the API). Sonarr will run any of its scheduled jobs when the system resumes from sleep, there is no reason to increase the RSS Sync interval to allow for this.

I would like to emphasize that Sonarr does NOT search like Sickbeard or CP does. At an RSS interval of 15min, Sonarr requires 98 api calls to each indexer, per day, regardless of how many series you have.


What I mean is that I daily restart the whole mc @ 04:00 and would not like to trigger a RSS sync on resume but directly after launching Sonarr after a reboot. If this was an option in Sonarr I will see no further reason for using SickBeard anymore.

So an option to start with a RSS sync directly after start Sonarr.
Isn’t it also not possible to change the RSS sync interval directly in some config file and set it to 1440 minutes?
So max 120 minutes in the GUI but the possibility to overrule it in the config file.
Is this possible?

If Sonarr hasn’t been running for more than the interval it will run shortly after startup (as will any other scheduled tasks that need to run).

We don’t plan to support different values depending where it is set.

And an option to enable running the RSS Sync directly after launching Sonarr?

Again, its not required, Sonarr will automatically run it since it hasn’t been run recently.