Incorrect Growl Notifications

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.6.2
OS: Linux (QNAP QTS 4.2.2)
((Debug logs)): N/A
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:

Sonarr is sending incorrect notification events upon job completion to Growl. Specifically, when an episode is added, having been post processed by SABnzbd 1.1.1 / nzbToMedia post-processing, the notification being sent is an “Episode Grabbed” notification, instead of a “Episode Downloaded / Completed” notification. This has only started happening recently. Not a big issue in and of itself, but confusing nonetheless.


On Grab is only sent when the release is sent to the download client. On Download is sent after the file is imported.

We’d need to see the ((debug logs)) showing alternate behaviour.

Instead of Sonarr sending notifications to Growl you can have SAB do it instead. That’s what I do.

For me personally I don’t want to be notified if its grabbed an episode, I just want to know wether its downloaded or failed and you can do that by having SAB speak to Growl instead of Sonarr.

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