Importing manully into Sonarr

While deprecating Drone Factory, I don’t get how to manually import a file into Sonarr. I’m using it with SAB and I tried dropping the file into the Complete folder (where SAB stores it for Sonarr) but Sonarr still doesn’t see it.

I looked at the wiki about DownloadedEpisodesScan but code is greek to me. What do I need to do to manually import?

EDIT: Never mind. Sonarr does see the file in the Complete folder, it just takes a while before it’s picked up.

Or you could place it to the end location yourself and make sure that it has the needed elements (show name - sxxexx - quality) and then Sonarr can scan the location of the show again and find it.
I mean… you have the file, instead of putting in in Completed, put it where it needs to go :slight_smile:

Wanted --> Manual Import :slight_smile:

Cool beans. Thanks to you both!

I just wanted to add something for anyone else who see’s this post and wants to know how to manually import into Sonarr via the API, because at first, without much knowledge in this area, people can be put off easily.

First, you need to connect to the API, which is “YOUR_SONARR_ADDRESS/API”, then depending on the function you’re looking to use, such as “DownloadEpisodeScan” found under “command” in the wiki, you will add “/command” to that address.

Now, depending on how you plan to connect to Sonarr, be it cURL, xmlhttp etc… you will need to include the API key, you can add the key through the header or directly using the url, examples.

curl --header "X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY"
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader “X-Api-Key”, "YOUR_API_KEY"

Now, each API function works differently, when you use “command” you will be sending your sonarr instruction in json format, in the case of “DownloadEpisodeScan”, it would look something like this.

{“name”: “DownloadEpisodeScan”, “path”: “path/to/file”, “downloadClientId”: “nzoid for SABnzb or Torrent Hash”, “importMode”: “Move|Copy”}

You don’t need the “downloadClientId”, but if it’s currently in your client and you want sonarr to handle it, then you can include it.

To rename the file for sonarr, you can use Filebot, manually do it yourself or find/create a script that will use something like TVDB to make the files more readable for sonarr, although based on my own experience, sonarr hasn’t had much trouble renaming files on its own.

As for the script, if it was me, I would have a label called “SonarrManual” or something, then have a script listen for completed downloads with that label, each download then gets put into a text file with the location and downloadClientId, so when I run the manual script, it would loop through the text file, that way sonarr can handle my manual imports and the text file would act like a queue, each time one is successfully imported, it is removed from the text file and the script rechecks after each import, so if more manual imports get added to the file, it would just keep importing until complete.

Hope this helps.

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