Importing Issue (Empty File, No Extension)

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 11
Debug logs: Debug logs
Description of issue: Hello,
I have a problem when importing the downloaded episode, it is imported but the file is empty (0 bytes), there is no file extension and the title is incomplete… Thank you in advance for your help!

To Start, update Sonarr, especially because you’re running a beta version and there have been a bunch of changes/fixes.

Based on the logs the file Sonarr imported has an extension though.

I have updated sonarr but the problem is still there

Is this only an issue with long paths like shown here? If only long paths, make sure long path support is enabled:

The fact that Windows is throwing and error about the name leads me to believe it doesn’t like the path, despite allowing Sonarr to move the file.

I already had the long path support activated in the registry, I tried to activate it also in the local policy group just in case but it doesn’t work, I still have the problem.

Is this a torrent that finished seeding or is Sonarr trying to move a file that is still seeding, but it’s unaware of that fact?
Are D:\ and E:\ local disks?
If so, which file systems are they running?
If not, what are they?

For testing can you setup a series to be on the same drive as the download and see if a similar issue exists?

Can you post trace logs of the entire import from Sonarr getting the download from the client’s history and all the way through?

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