Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /downloads/completed/TV/

**Sonarr version

Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): -
OS: Raspien (Raspberry pi
Debug logs:
Description of issue: I can not get the import function to work properly no matter what I do. I installed Sonarr through Docker and Portainer and thought I had things set up properly. Sonarr goes through the entire download process but in the end always fails with the above error message. Below are my volumes I have mounted in Portainer. I am using Radarr and that is working fine. I have tried to duplicate how I have Radarr set but its been to no avail. Please note that I manually added the /downloads/completed/TV/ when I saw the error but it didnt work. I have it root permissions as well but to no avail.

  -  /media/witt/8efd83a8-d3be-4079-b8e3-6fceffff35bb/appdata/sonarr/config:/config        
  - /media/witt/8efd83a8-d3be-4079-b8e3-6fceffff35bb/downloads:/downloads
  - /media/witt/8efd83a8-d3be-4079-b8e3-6fceffff35bb/downloads/tv:/tv
  - /media/witt/8efd83a8-d3be-4079-b8e3-6fceffff35bb/downloads/kidstv:/kidstv

I have attached the logs to
[Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr (]

For some reason the link to the logs is not working when posted in the portal.

Besides the permissions issue, you’re mixing unsorted downloads and sorted series folders. That’s going to be trouble sooner or later, and the mounts chosen are horribly suboptimal in terms of moving files.