I'm Back Finally :)

hey everyone not sure if anyone remembers me :frowning: but i spent a lot of time on here but the last couple months i have been offline i moved house and then we had issues getting internet connected however it finally got connected the other day so i decided to start nzbdrone from scratch and setup again as there has been a ton of new features added in my absence

BTW i like the new logo looks cool

also is the beta testing branch still develop or do i need to change from master to something else

Welcome back. To change to develop go to settings and general tab and click on the switch from hide to show (this shows all the advanced options).
Scroll down the bottom and type develop into the box and click save and you will then be on the development branch for any updates.

Thanks yeah i remember how to do that i just wanted to confirm the branch was still called develop saying that i have since tried it and it works so thanks mate glad to be back

there is a great bunch of people on here so looking forward to getting into conversations and helping either troubleshoot issues come up with new features or help those new to NzbDrone :slight_smile: